hand signals cc velojoysized

The bike lane is an element of the city that Vancouver is very proud of. The city of Vancouver collects monthly data on the rising usage of the bike lane, so whenever you ride on a bike lane, you are helping to create more bike lanes for the future.

There are a few different types of bike lanes here. The AAA Network throughout downtown Vancouver is the route our staff will send you on when you rent bikes. The bike lanes are separated from cars, or take you down a street that is very peaceful. These bike lanes will be two-way (except for within Stanley Park).

When viewing the city map, any route along the water is the world-famous seawall. Make sure to keep an eye out for pedestrians along this route, and use your bell if they are on the cycleway. Pedestrians, no matter what, have the right of way – so be sure to have your brakes at the ready! Generally this is a slow-rolling, peaceful route to take in order to see the sights of the city. If you are rolling a little slower than the rest of the riders on the path, just stay to the right so others will have an easier time passing. If you are faster, a little ding of your bell will alert other riders to you passing on the right. Simple etiquette goes a long way especially on busy summer days.

Local street bikeways make up most of the network in Vancouver. They are indicated with a single green line on our route map. These streets have speed bumps, roundabouts, and vehicle dead ends to discourage car traffic. However, there will be local cars that share the road. When on the road with cars, being predictable is most important. Do not weave in and out of parked cars. When turning or stopping use hand signals.


Guide to vancouversized


The English Bay Seawall is a portion of over 25km of fully separated bike paths.

Photo: Cycle City Tours


guide to vancouver cc Paul Kreuger


Cycling through the city made easy with the Hornby Street bicycle lane.

Photo: Paul Kreuger


Turning left can be tricky in traffic. However, when in doubt it is best to make the choice and either act like a car, or like a pedestrian. When the way is clear, cycle to the middle of the street, signal left, and turn when the coast is clear exactly like making a left turn in a car. However, with children or in bigger groups, it is easier to behave like a pedestrian. Wait for the walk signal and cycle across the road to the opposite corner, then wait for the next walk signal to bring you across the intersection and on your way!

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