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The leaves are starting to fall and July’s heat wave feels like a distant memory. With the approach of Autumn, Vancouver residents are remembering what it feels like to have to choose not one, but two, or sometimes even three separate outfits for one single day. Which is to say, the weather changes quickly and often at this time of year. A cold morning doesn’t necessarily imply a cold afternoon, just as a warm patch of sun does not imply any warmth in the shade.

The cooling off in Autumn can be a great thing for guided bicycle tours. There’s a little more space in the bike lane, you can relax on the sunscreen, and you won’t arrive at the shop drenched in sweat at the end of the day. But it does mean you might arrive at the shop drenched in rain at the end of the day, so a little more planning needs to go into your outfit choices for the ride.

Since Vancouver has a temperate climate, many people underestimate how cold it can feel when you’re out cycling in it for hours. While we provide complimentary gloves for tour guests throughout the colder months, we unfortunately can’t help you with the jacket and pants. So we’ve put together a little guide for how to prepare for an autumn bicycle tour around Vancouver. Let’s keep the good times rolling!

Wear Layers

Anyone who has spent time in a four-season climate can tell you that layers are your saviour during autumn and spring. You could feel hot in a t-shirt one minute, then be shivering the next minute as the sun disappears behind some clouds, or soaked the minute after that when the clouds open up. We recommend having multiple layers of shirt options (a T-shirt, a long-sleeved shirt, and a jacket) in case the weather decides to change 5 times throughout your tour. Since you’ll be wearing a helmet on tour, we recommend bringing a jacket with a front zipper to more easily put it on and remove it.

We provide baskets for all of our tour guests, so you don’t have to worry about tying your extra sweater around your waist.

Bring Rain Gear

Vancouver is known for many things, and chief among them is its rainy climate. In fact, Stanley Park is a rainforest! So don’t be surprised if you experience a little shower during an autumn bike ride. We do provide rain ponchos for our guests, but if glorified plastic bags are not your idea of a fashion statement, we recommend bringing your own wet-weather gear. If it’s predicted to rain all day, rain pants certainly don’t hurt.

Bring Gloves

Vancouver can get a little windy, especially next to the ocean. Since much of our tour takes place on the seawall, the breeze rolling in off the ocean can start to feel pretty chilly on the hands. Unless you’re confident in your ability to complete a five-hour bike ride with your hands in your pockets, we recommend brining gloves to cut the breeze. We do offer complimentary gloves for tour guests, but it’s always nicer to have your own!

Wear Closed-toed Shoes

Re: above paragraph. Cold toes can seriously diminish your enjoyment of your tour, so you’ll definitely want closed-toed shoes, ideally with some water-proof or water-resistant qualities.

Have Fun!

Autumn may have come early this year, but the party’s certainly not over. We’re still open for business and sending out guided tours all through the autumn and winter. Give us a call to book your tour, or head over to our bike tours page to reserve your spot. We’ll see you soon!





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